I simply can't believe that Thanksgiving is next week. WHERE IS NOVEMBER GOING?!
Here are my top 5 this week....
House Painting
My number one this week is getting my upstairs painted! I am so excited to see the new colors, and to get started on the nursery. I shared a few photos yesterday, and will continue to show you the progress!
Christmas Decorations
Since moving into our new house, I've been dreaming about how to decorate for Christmas. I know. I have a slight obsession with the holiday. Over the last 3 years we've been living in small rentals, and so we don't have that many decorations. So, I have been searching all over the internet to find the perfect wreaths and garland. After my Pottery Barn wreath fail, I was wary of purchasing through them. I had received several Frontgate catalogs and decided to give them a try. I'm in love and was so thrilled with everything (except that it all went on sale the following week)! The wreaths we got were so gorgeous, and full! We purchased the Grand Majestic Wreaths and Garland and HIGHLY recommend it. I accidentally bought the corded wreaths instead of cordless, so that is my only complaint...but that's totally my fault.
This is the flexible garland for railings (again, bought corded on accident, so now its a table garland)
Grand Majestic Garland (as things I arrive, I've just been putting them up)
Several different types of greenery
Close up of berries
Here is one of the wreaths (30") also Grand Majestic Series (playing with ribbon here)
Close up
I've spent the last week playing with ribbon and bows trying to figure out what style bow I want. My goal is have all the wreaths ready to go for the weekend of Thanksgiving so we can get them up on the house!
The little French boy interview.
In the wake of the French terror attacks it is heartwarming to see videos like this. When our days are filled with thoughts of fear and anger, it is important to remember to love, to remember those who were killed, and to never let terror win.
(Also, I want to adopt that child. SO cute.)
Pickens County Humane Society
The Humane Society of Pickens County is in danger of having to shut its doors shortly after 2016 if it does not receive more donations. This year the Pickens County Council only budgeted $77,000 for the shelter - reducing the 501c3's budget allocation by nearly $50,000 in comparison to previous years. The real problem for the PCHS is its lack of ongoing support - an issue for which it is actively seeking a solution. The PCHS hopes to have a "Friends of" group created by year's end, but for now is in desperate need of donations. If you're stumped on what to get that tricky-he-has-everything person in your life, why not make a donation in his/her name?!
Also, they have this dog, and I think I'd like Santa to bring her to me.
Donald Trump just made it worse.
Just when you thought it couldn't. He couldn't possibly say anything more offensive. Or wrong. He does.
Databases of Muslims. REALLY?! Is this America?