Friday, January 23, 2015

Finally Friday!

I'm aware it was a short week. I'm also aware that most people don't 'get' MLK day off...however, this 4 day week has yet somehow been so. incredibly. long.

So, in celebration of the end of the longest short week ever, here is my Friday Five.


Lilly Pulitzer Planners

I've got a ton of dates and things to remember this year between Junior League, and life in general, so I decided to get a planner for 2015. And, not just any planner, a Lilly one. Just because it makes me happy. (and because I've been DYING to buy a Lilly sundress since September...she really needs a maternity line).


New Stationery!

This week I finally got my new stationery. I haven't ordered a set since I got married, and I'm just about out of it. Crane's stopped carrying the print that I used before (not cool) so I had to start from scratch. I bought 2 styles - I'm IN LOVE with one, and ok on the other. I'm not sure everyone else out there gets the importance of nice personalized stationery. It might be my favorite thing on the planet. My sister just got engaged and I immediately started strategizing how much 'maiden name' stationery she would need, and then how much married stationery she would need. She told me she likes to get the clearance packs at Michael's for $8. Dagger. Through. The. Heart. (I mean really.) I think its fun to have pretty personalized stationery, but I think it also says a lot to hte person that you are giving it to. Not only did you take the time to personally thank the person, but you chose to do it using stationery that you clearly thought a lot (and perhaps spent a lot) about. Maybe it's just me. It might be. But if I could letterpress every piece of paper I own, I would.


KaBoom! Playground Project

KaBoom! is a nonprofit organization that works with other groups to provide 'grants' in the form of playgrounds.  Palm Beach County is one of the said recipients of one of these grants and this week we have been working on prepping the site for the new playground build day on Saturday! The neat part about this project, is that it completely involves the community. Our Parks staff could easily install a playground with 20 guys in one day. Instead, this project has about 200 community volunteers come together and take ownership of their neighborhood park, and build the playground with the help of our staff and other construction volunteers. I'll be sure to add some pictures of the build day!


Maternity Jumpsuits

I'm not sure if you noticed in yesterday's post, but I totally wore a maternity jumpsuit to my baby shower. I wanted something that was fun and trendy (and not another stretchy tshirt and leggings, or another stretchy tube dress) It didn't always photograph as well as I *think* it looked in person, but I still loved it nonetheless. I bought at Asos on sale for $28.43. So, if any of you pregnant ladies are looking for something stylish that has the comfort of a onesie, this is your outfit. One note - I think it would have been cuter had mine been a tad smaller - but oddly enough this ran large. I bought the size 6 the model was wearing (which usually is small on me, their sizing is super tiny) but I should have probably gotten a 4. I didn't receive it until 1 day before my flight, so I took a risk and wore it slightly big. (For reference, I'm typically a 2 in most american sizes/brands - in Asos I'm usually a 4 or 6)


Girl Scout Cookie Time!

Yesterday I caught wind of a Girl Scout Mama in my office. Mothers of Girl Scouts ALWAYS have cookies at work, and this lady got me the hook up. I've already eaten most of a box of Samoas..(turns out that's about 980 calories down the hatch in an hour) and hid a box at work. Then I took 1 Samoa, and 1 Thin Mint home. Stephen doesn't understand my sweet tooth. :)

That's it for me this week...what are your Five this week?


  1. Ah I'm obsessed with Thin Mints. I need to get myself some. It doesn't help my diet plan that you can now order these online.

  2. I have an obsession with stationery. It used to be really, really bad but I have gotten a little better about it :) I sometimes write notes so I can use some pretty stationery :) Also, I have been trying to find girl scout cookies around here and have not been able to yet, I need to find them soon!!

  3. Oh my gosh, WHERE were maternity jumpsuits when I was preggers??
