Friday, January 30, 2015

Friday, Friday, Friday!

It's my favorite day of the week again! (seriously, I think I'm literally wishing my life away just dreaming of Fridays..)

Here are my five things this week....



This week our family said goodbye to a very special lady, my husband's grandmother. Unfortunately, I was unable to fly back up to South Carolina for the services, but Stephen was.  She had a strong, feisty personality and always gave us a good laugh with her stories and demeanor.  Her favorite cocktail was Johnny Walker Blue Label (I think over ice) and so in her memory, Stephen used his birthday money from Grandma and bought a bottle to toast her. We're so sad she won't get to meet little Beckett, but glad we got to see her over Christmas. I know she'll be watching from heaven as our little boy enters this world, and joins the Daniel clan.


My husband rarely interferes in most things I purchase (wedding, registries, bedding, all me.). Sure, he'll look at things or go with me to the store for moral support, but for the most part he lets me pick stuff out. (He literally played on his phone the entire time I was buying the baby glider - then looked up at the end and said, "yep, I think that's good." However, when it comes to electronics - he not only has an opinion, he has a strong one. So when I started looking at baby monitors he had very specific requests. He wanted one with remote viewing - and there are not many monitors that do this. In addition to remote viewing, we also wanted to be able to have a normal viewing screen that did not utilize WiFi - in case we were at the mountain house or in a location where there is no WiFi.  So we went with the Summer Infant Baby Zoom WiFi monitor. It's a little pricey but it's got great features. I'll be doing a review of it in an upcoming post - but the bottom line - its super easy to install, and so far we really like it.


Lindsey Graham's Potential Presidential Run

One of my favorite Senators (I interned for him) has put together an political organization called "Security Through Strength" to test the waters for a presidential run. The GOP field is rather crowded at the moment in the 'actually smart' category between Mitt Romney, Jeb Bush and now perhaps Graham - so I'm a little torn as to who I might support. The good news is, hopefully having a third legitimate candidate will drown out all the stupid coming from crazy-town over in the far right corner  of the right wing (Cruz, Huckabee, Santorum, Perry...the list goes on).


My Liz and Roo Baby Bedding Arrived!

Several months ago I won a 4 piece bumperless package of bedding from Liz and Roo. Carried by boutique stores primarily in the southeast, this brand is all made in America and carries the cutest fabrics and designs.  I blogged about my options and after MONTHS of agonizing I finally placed my order! So, now I have my bedding (but no crib) so that's one less thing I need! I left the pictures on my camera, so I'll have to post those later!


blablakids stuffed dolls

I know my child is still 60 something days from being born, and then probably another 9-12 months away from being able to play with stuffed toys but I couldn't resist this. I adore blablakids knitted dolls and knew I wanted one for little Beckett. The only downside to this adorable little toys is the price tag. $44 is the cheapest blabla, but I still think they are totally worth it. My sister-in-law's twin boys each had a blabla when they were little and I fell in love with them! They were small and easy to carry for a child but also easy to wash and keep clean. This week my mom bought my favorite one (because we are obsessed with foxes, I guess its a shiba thing) for little Beckett -- I can't wait for it to arrive!!

That's my five for this week, what's yours?


  1. I remember buying the baby a stuffed animal from Anthropologie when he has still in my belly - and every time I see it I think about that trip and still being pregnant! That little doll you ordered will be so special

  2. I'm obsessed with bedding right now, but it's harder to chose than I ever would have thought. I can't wait to see what you picked!
