The thing that irks me about politics is not the underhandedness, or the backroom deals. It's the way the people are used as a pawn. It is easy to woo the people. It's easy to get in front of a crowd and say the things that people want to hear. And that, is how Donald Trump is leading. That, is how Barack Obama is President. Pretty words are great to hear. I love a moving speech. But here's the thing - it gets you no where when rubber meets the road. Barack Obama has had a battle of epic proportions with Congress at every turn because of his refusal to really work with the GOP. Do you think Donald Trump will somehow have an easier time? When you're President you can't just call congress 'ugly' or a 'loser' and get what you want. If anything, partisan politics will turn into defcon 5.
The candidates that would make the best Presidents - the Jeb Bushes, Mitt Romneys - are the ones that understand how governance and policy work. They know that simply building a giant wall isn't going to solve immigration. They understand that it would cost a lot more to send 11 million people home than it would to naturalize them, and make them tax paying citizens (hello, someone's gotta help pay for ACA!) They aren't going to try to sell you some ocean front property in Arizona. They're going to tell you the truth. Its hot, and its a desert. But that's not sexy. It's not pretty speeches. It's not gum drops and candy bars. It's reality. So, I'm doing this series in the hopes that you see a candidate for who he or she is, and not the media hype. We don't have to elect a DC insider. But we can't elect a clown. Or a Democratic Socialist (SERIOUSLY, how does he win elections with that label?!)
To start off I'm going to post a series of videos to get you caught up on where we are...
"Trump ignores Policy, Talks Trump during Speech" 9/15/15
"Jeb in Brawl for Presidency" 9/15/15
"Hillary Loses Lead in Iowa" 9/10/15
No, I don't think that President Obama's problem was that he refuses to work with the GOP. The problem was that he tried too hard to work with them and to compromise with them when they were determined to try to thwart him at every turn. And then he finally got smart and realized that the GOP is not going to work with anyone outside of their party.