Friday, August 14, 2015

Five on Friday

1. ONE - Nursery Decor

I'm a few steps ahead on getting Beckett's nursery down. The paint color is still TBD but here are a few elements I saw on Pinterest/Babiekins blog that I am definitely going to use!

Rabbit Head Curtain Tie Backs

Sheep Rocker

2. TWO - Denim Overalls.

I know what you're thinking. Why. Why is she even thinking about them. I really wanted shorts ones...but now I'm thinking I might go with full length. We will see. But, I'm going to do it. I'm TOTALLY going to buy a pair. Here are a few I've seen...

Anthropologie - Paige


and, while I'm on this denim kick... I'm kind of obsessed with this dress by 7 For All Mankind too...and its on sale!

I saw Giada DeLaurentis wear one on her her Giada in Italy show, and now I think I need one.

3. THREE - Four Month schedule

This is for the mamas out there...when did you start stretching to 4 hour schedules? I've tried, but Beckett seems to really enjoy his 3 hours, and FOUGHT me tooth and nail when I tried to change. So we are back to three hours. He's only napping for an hour at a time which is so weird - and why I tried to stretch him in the first place - but still sleeps 11+ hrs per night without waking. For awhile he was on the verge of dropping the late nap at 530, but now since he cant seem to sleep more than an hour earlier in the day - that nap is back. Not sure what to do..if anything?

4. FOUR - Dark Chocolate Sea Salt Snappers...try them. 

You're welcome. (I bought mine at Costco).

5. FIVE - Boards

T-minus 4 days until my husband takes his Board Exams!!! In 4 short days he will be a LOT less stressed and we will be one step closer to finally getting settled and starting his new job!

Have a great weekend, y'all!

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