Friday, August 28, 2015

Friday Five

Happy Friday!

 I'm linking up today with April, Christina, and Natasha for Five on Friday
September Farm and the Farmer's Wife for Oh, Hey Friday!

1. #PlaneBreakUp
I'm not sure why I found this so entertaining. Perhaps I'm just a glutton for drama. I would been all over this too. @keegs141 is kind of my hero.

While stuck on a plane on the tarmac, this girl witness two people having a mega blowup/break up. She live tweeted pics and some classic lines. It's pretty hysterical. Here are a few read the whole story - check out Keegs141 twitter account, or look it up on the Huffington Post.


2. Donald Trump's response to Bush's critique of his Mexico-America relationship. Classy. And reaaalll intelligent-like.

3. Archipelago Candles - Birch
I can't begin to dscribe to you how amazing and wonderful this smells...just trust me. Its rustic, but fresh, and doesn't smell *too* girly or *too* manly. Perfect for a married couple (and if your husband hates scents like lavender, clean linen and vanilla). If you're unsure, my second fave is their soy candle excursion line - Havana. Dreamy.

4. Home Decorating... 
So I think I found a rug for my family room! Currently its a total blank slate with nothing but 3 random chairs, baby toys, and a tv credenza we are no longer using. I hope having a rug will 1) provide a place for Beckett to play without fear of breaking his nose and 2) make the room look like someone is actually attempting to decorate it.

Here are a few snaps of what's currently going on here...

 Pretty much a blank canvas.

To incorporate the blue from the kitchen and the background of the built-ins I'm looking at this rug:

I'm a big fan of more traditional prints, but I don't want it to look too old fashioned...I think that's whats drawn me to this one. Here are some pictures from the store - which I think better shows the colors.

5. Napping
Naps are hard. At least for my baby. My child does not seem to want to nap longer than 45 min- 1 hour. WHY?! My doctor says to pick my battles since he's been sleeping 11 hours at night since has 10 wks. (He has NEVER EVER woken unless I was feeding him. One time he took an hour to go back to sleep...he was about 3 days old. When he was eating at night, he'd wake up, eat and then he'd immediately pass out.) He used to sleep 1 - 1.5 hours at all 4-5 of his naps. What gives? Any tips??? His wake time is 1 hr 30 min, and he eats every 3 hours. If I extend wake time he either will not go down, or he sleeps only 30 minutes. I've tried moving him to a 4 hr schedule and consolidating naps - but then he will wake 2 hours before his feedings and its totally screwed up. I've tried cry it out, and he just escalates and even when he does pass out, he will sleep only 30 minutes. Do I just deal with the short naps? I need help! What gives?

Have a great weekend y'all!


  1. I was reading that post as well about the plane break up - my favorite was when the girl was like who is this other girl!! I forget the name but it was hilarious! Hope you have a great weekend! xo, Biana -BlovedBoston

  2. How crazy is that plane break up? I posted about it too!

  3. i saw something about that plane breakup. bad timing on the guy's part...either way it sucks! haha

  4. Popping over from the linkup! I saw that plane breakup yesterday on Facebook. haha I can't believe they start making out soon after he dumps her! WTF! I am so envious your baby has slept through the night since 10 weeks!! UGH!! It took my daughter 11 months! hahah :)

  5. Your living room is so pretty! Love that rug choice! And no nap advice here - my 14 month old doesn't sleep at night - I'm up at least once but more likely twice a night still! So stop complaining - just kidding! You need those naps to take a break!! I'm planning a US exit if Trump wins, I just can't imagine (but know a lot of people who like him). The plan break up is too much - oh goodness, what a riot!

    1. I know, I shouldn't complain, I did luck up on the night sleeping thing. He did it straight out of the womb (literally, he didn't wake at all his first night until the nurses came in at 5 and I had to literally force feed him he was so drowsy) I guess it's teething or something. Who knows!

  6. I am in your same short-naps club (and Camille is 15mo now!). She is a good sleeper ... 7p-7a ... so I know I should not complain, but our two naps here are 30/45/60 mins max. It's okay, I've learned the art of quick house cleaning and quick showering, but I am jealous of the moms I know whose babes take 2-3 hour naps!

  7. I just found your blog today and I love the name of your blog! I also like the built-ins in your living room. I love white bookshelves like that. Have a great weekend!

  8. Omg that plane breakup is crazy lol. Love your new rug, the soft blues are so pretty! KidsandCabernet
