Monday, August 4, 2014

Look, Cook, Eat!

It's Monday, and vacay is over - which means I'm back to blogging! I am very excited to share this story with you - it's an exciting new magazine, and YOU can be a partner in helping to get off the ground! Please share this with your friends!
My husband's uncle recently emailed and asked us to google "Look, Cook, Eat".  The first thing to pop up was a link to a website called "Kickstarter", a crowdfunding site.  I was routed to a homepage for a new initiative, supported by a relative of my Uncle-in-law.  I knew this particular person had a great amount experience in the culinary field, and was immediately drawn to read about the latest project his media firm was promoting. In fact, it was better than I imagined. I found it to be more creative, unique, and frankly necessary, than any other product of the food industry. 

Look, Cook, Eat is an e-cookbook for tablets, mobile devices, and PCs written specifically to assist the intellectually handicapped population in the quest for independent living.  This book is designed to provide healthy and easy to follow recipes to teach basic skills and healthy eating habits. While many community and theraputive recreation centers might provide daily living skills and cooking classes to the mentally handicapped, these services are not widely available, and often do not offer enough classes to support the demand.  Without this type of support, many families are left to their own devices to help their loved ones develop these skills.  However, subscribing to this type of magazine can help provide families with activities and skill sets to support thier loved one in pursuing an independent lifestyle. 
 Currently, Look, Cook, Eat is attempting to raise the startup capital needed to support this venture - and that's where you come in. I invite you to take a few minutes to read the project scope and watch the video - I think you'll feel just as inspired as I was. Please help support this project by making a pledge (even just $1!), and know that you've helped a person with special needs accomplish something that she perhaps never thought was possible!

The funding deadline is August 30th, so please don't wait! So far the pledges are over $16,000, but they still have a way to go.

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