Monday, August 18, 2014

Ode to the 90s

So if you're friends with me on Facebook, you're aware of my newest Netflix addiction. No, its not House of Cards, or Orange is the New Black....its Dawson's Creek. Yes, I'm reliving my favorite decade, the 90s. I was OBSESSED with this show growing up, and turns out, I still am. I still think Pacey Witter is the cutest thing on the planet, and really have been wondering how Joshua Jackson didn't work more in Hollywood?! Anyway, as I've been watching I have become re-obsessed with the vintage J.Crew, American Eagle, & Gap frocks that we all 'HAD TO HAVE' but apparently weren't all that flattering.

Let's begin.

1. The Carpenter Pant
Oh God, Make it stop. Why does a person need that many pockets? We don't. And yet, having a pair of jeans with only 4 pockets somehow made you totally inferior. #guilty

In this picture, Pacey & Dawson are guilty of 2 more 90s sins...the oversized sweater.

2. Oversized Sweaters - Why?

So bad, Joey, So bad.
I think I REALLY wanted this sweater in high school. In the rest of this scene (trapped in Saturday detention with Abby Morgan) you can really see just how boxy and wide this sweater is...

And here, Dawson is rocking the oversized sweater vest. Just as bad.

3. Overalls

I know these are desperately trying to make a comeback. I saw we block this move. I mean, don't get me wrong. I had several pairs of the overalls. Shorts, and Pants. And while they are amazingly comfortable, you look like a bum. End of story.

4. Pacey's Hawaiian Shirts

And yet somehow...he still was so stinkin' cute in them.

5. The Cargo Pant
I choose to focus on the cutest possible version of the cargo pant, and that is this pair of Gap jeans that Joey sported in season 2. I never got these jeans, and seeing them on screen, makes me a little jealous, even today.

I'm only on Season 3, and Joey and Pacey are not yet in love. However, I did see a little foreshadowing in the scene 2 photos up (yellow Hawaiian shirt) in which Pacey comforts Joey and jokes, "Hey maybe this year we'll even become friends". Man, I miss the 90s.


  1. Cracking up at this!! I am so guilty of putting on a few Dawson's Creek episodes via Netflix lately once the bean is down for the night...

  2. A little worry to associate the name of a grande dame such as Jackie-O to this part of your blog.
    I am talking style, panache and vision and authority when I think of this woman yet this blog prefers to focus on netflix and oversized sweaters and overalls in a very poor taste.
    I must say in your favor that your quick explanation of the Israeli Palestinian conflict was spot on and for that I will carry on reading this surprisingly interesting blog.

    1. Sorry you didn't like the post, just meant to be light hearted and tongue in cheek! I blog about anything that comes to mind :)
